The Holy Ghost Army
Equipping and joining you to win every spiritual warfare that threatens God's kingdom. The battle is the Lord's.
Remember, the ONLY way to enter Heaven is by the passport called Salvation and the visa called HOLINESS.
The War
It started in Heaven.
Satan (also called Lucifer before his shameful fall) and his angels he deceived waged a war in heaven to overthrow THE MOST HIGH, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Rev.12:7-12, Isa 14:12-17, Ez. 28:12-19.
He Lost that war and was cast out of Heaven.
After the creation of the earth he took the war to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, because it was the only available front he could continue waging his war against GOD. He deceived man to believe in an alternate interpretation of the WORD; interpretation that was different but so close to the TRUTH, which the HOLY GHOST is the ONLY ONE who knows and teaches. Gen. 3:1-6.
Therefore man temporarily lost the battle to defend the establishment of God's kingdom on earth, but not the war itself.
This war continued down through the ages in various forms including the manipulation of man to remain rebellious against THE MOST HIGH.
But then, something great and good happened; JESUS CHRIST defeated him by His death on the Cross of Calvary, and by His triumphant resurrection.
He disarmed him and made him a footstool of His body, which also is you the Church. He next gave unto you all power to tread upon the enemy and all his evil works.​
But the Church has become a lukewarm and allowed Satan to be on the loose. He has now appointed and enthroned Mammon
as a god within the church. Sadly the church has gladly accepted and embraced him, and has kicked JESUS out, leaving Him at the door knocking. Rev. 3:20
Mammon has fattened the Church with heavy material wealth that comes with strange problems and wonderful incurable diseases. This has caused the Church to become wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, as we read in Rev. 3:17.
The war is now at the stage where we fight to accomplish these goals:
to WAKE UP the church from lukewarmness, ​
to CAST OUT Satan and his Mammon, and restore them as our footstools,
to DESTROY their works and SET FREE their captives,
to RESTORE and ESTABLISH the kingdom of God back in the church, and
to PREACH the Gospel unto all creation. ​​
This war shall be finally over on that day when Satan, his Devils, and all whose names are not written in the Lamb's
book of life, shall be cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev. 19; 21:15.
"... I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matt. 10:34